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Life And Struggle Of Human Beings Essay , Quotes , Images

 Life is very much complex . One can't imagine what can be the next event in his /her life . I think life is like flowing water , it moves in its direction until force applied to change or internal or external effort or obstacles applied in it . Different philosopher have different opinion about life but no one till nowprovided the exact meaning of life . Some people have different views and experience regarding life and some people have different.  I mean to say each and every person have their own definition about his /her life . 

Man climbing mountain 

According to religious beliefs,  it have different meaning . Hindu have different opinion,  Chiristian have different opinion,  Atheist have different opinion and so on but every religion teaches that life is very much precious property and it is fact and also it is universal truth accept it and make it better for you , which automatically makes better your family and world . In Hindu's holy book Bhagvad gita  lord shree krishna  explained the life ,its happiness  ,misery , struggle , virtue and everything in detailed way . 


 Man enjoying nature 

And when we relate life and struggle of human beings then we can get conclusion that life and struggle are two wheels of a cart . It goes side by side . The struggle human/living beings started from the mother womb and only ends with the end of life . You can't imagine life without struggle. 

" If there is no struggle,  there is no progress"

   Fredrick Douglas

"The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.  Don't give up " 

Robert Tew 

In each and every step of your life , you have struggle struggle to survival , struggle for better career , struggle for happiness,  struggle for peace , struggle for development struggle for many more things but struggle also differ from people to people.  

"Where there is no struggle  , there is no strength " .

Oprah Winfrey

Some people have to struggle even for meal but some people get it easily . Why ? Because some point of time the person who is struggling for meal , he/she himself /herself  or their ancestors not struggled hard or not got the proper opportunity or time or situation made him to live in this condition and the people who is getting everythionog by a small effort he/she himself /herself or their ancestors struggledo hard or got proper opportunity or time was in his favour . 

Celebrating success 

 Now let's talk about struggle of people in 21st century . Struggle in 21st century depends on person's economic condition,  availability of opportunities, social status , political power , age ,  sex , relegion ,caste , occupation and country he live , etc . Generally struggle varies according to economic condition of people . 

"The harder the struggle , the more glorious the triumph . Self realization demands very great struggle " 

Swami Sivananda


From the above explanation and experience of great person ,it is concluded that struggle is vital for life and most vital for better life . Struggle can also be categories in different groups like struggle of child, teenagers, adults , old ,sick ,struggle of students, teachers , professional, father,mother, as well as struggle of countries.  I mean to say in each and every field or time of human life struggle is essential things or you can say it is the friend of human life . Even to survive you have to struggle, this theory is elaborated in detail by Charles Darwin in his theory "Struggle For Existence" .

"The struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings . It makes us patients, sensitive, and goodlike . It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full9 of overcoming of it"

Helen Keller

"We grow because we struggle , we learn and overcome " 

R. C. Alle

So, struggle is vital for life in order to make happy, meaningful ,better and sound life . As a human be ready to struggle and face each and every challenge of your life to achieve  something great . There is no substitute of hard work. Struggle is a reality of life . 


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