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How Does Time Management Is Essential In Our Life

Time management -meaning

 Time management refers to the presentation or completness of any given task in definite time allocated by authorised body.

Time management shows  the overall capacity of an individual in terms of their skill, knowledge, accuracy, ability, patience, etc. A sound or healthy mind is essential for better performance of any work given by regulatory body in proper time. So, time is a tool to measure the capacity of any individual. Time management teach us discipline. It makes a person accountable. Time management is one of the important things for better performance of overall activities  of an individual. Time management should not be ignored by any person,  if he/she wants to perform the work in better or smooth way.we  can learn many more things from time management .time is flowing in it's own cannot be stooped by anyone.if a person ignored time,  then he/she must sorrow in near future.time management should be way of living of people, if he/she wants to live happy life. time management is essential in every  step of our life.

Time management guides people or gives direction to the people in their day-to-day life cycle. If a person know to manage the time , he/she may success in their life. It is one of the technique of success of any people. It measures competency ,ability, presentation skill of an individual. Time management should be take care by an individual,  if he/she wants to perform overall task in definite time .

Time management helps us to met our helps to complete or present or perform our work according to our plan. Time management is must be adopted by an individual to complete their task in definite time according to plan.time management is one of the advantage of preparation of is necessary to meet our plan in definite time.

Time management in exam hall

A person must plan before appearing in an exam about the time consumption on each and every question as per marking scheme  on the basis of availability of time . Selection of questions is one of the determining factor for better performance in an exam . A person must select the question which he she can easily solve ,it gives relax to mind and positive energy gets increases  . Examinee must give priority to the question which he/she feels easy to solve  . It helps to manage time for remaining questions in detail way and it helps the examinee to think in proper way . Don't start with the question that may difficult for you to solve, it harass your mind and also your time will be wasted.   

Techniques/methods of time management 

- A proper plan should be made before initiating work , 

-  Prioritise your work according to importance and time consumption,  

-  Evaluation of prioritised activities,  
- Setting best  strategy for prioritised activities  ,

-Analyse results ,

- Feedback and necessary suggestions ,if any requires . 

Five time management quotes 

"You may delay, but time will not" - Benjamin Franklin    

"Lost time is never found again" -  Benjamin Franklin 

" Better to be thre hours too soon ,than a minute too late" -  William Shakespeare

"Time is more valuable than money . You can get more money, but you cannot get more time"   -  Jim Rohn

"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it"  - Stephen R. Covey

Time management is not only important in exam hall . It also important in our life . Time management has multidimensional p character   . Overall work of our life related with family , friends,  relatives ,business, etc requires management of time  . It is not limited concept . 


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