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Drug, Causes Of Addiction, Effects Of Drug Intake, Prevention And Control Of Drug Abuse

 In general, drug is a chemical substance that can alter physiological process of body systems. Drugs are used as a medicine or used in a medicine. The meaning of drug is not confined only with it general meaning in the context of using drugs for addiction purpose when drugs are abused. Besides this, other non medical substances are also consumed for addiction nowadays . Some of the drugs and substances used commonly by the addicts are : Tidigesic, Norgesic, diazepam, ibuprofen, opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, cannabis, etc. There is a practice of illegal and excessive drug intake to satisfy drug addiction. World Health Organization defines drug as " any chemical entity or mixture of entities, other than those required for the maintainance of normal health, the administration of which alters the biological function and possible structure". 

A drug addicts reaches to the level of drug addiction after crosing certain stages. The stages are drug use , drug misuse,  and drag abuse. The necessary intake of a drug as prescribed by a medical practioner is called drug use. Sometimes, drug use is essential for continuation of survival. If a person takes drug in an inappropriate way for any purpose without prescription of medical personnel,it is called drug misuse. The deliberate use of an illegal drug or of too much of a prescribed drug is called drug abuse. When a drug user practices its abuse repeatedly, that may be resulted into drug addiction. Drug addiction is the condition when an individual experiences tepeated psycho physiological need to take a habit forming drug for the compulsive satisfaction or intoxication. The intoxication produced by the drugs is termed as euphoria. Deug addiction has become a worldwide psychosocial problem nowadays. 

Causes of addiction

  1. Most of the addicts learnt drug intake from friends.
  2. Drug abuse is taken wrongly as a solution to frustration of life.
  3. Drug addiction is promoted by religious support. 
  4. Abusery try to induce in this habit.
  5. Due to high degree of curiosity of drug intake among adolescents.

Effects of drug intake

  1. Reduction smooth body function.
  2. Reduction in motor coordination.
  3. Change in body homeostasis: elevated blood pressure and heart beat.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Headache,sweating,  nausea, dizziness.
  6. Increases vulnerability of needle based communicable diseases like HIV AIDS hepatitis b, etc .
  7. Loss of memory and comprehension.
  8. Loss of social behaviour: imbalance in social relationships,   inclination to social crimes, etc  .

Prevention and control of Drug Abuse

  1. Management of proper health education including knowledge and information about drugs in school and higher education. 
  2. Public awareness programs against drug abuse by government and non government organisations. 
  3. Enforcement of strict laws and acts to monitor and control illicit drug abuse.
  4. Management of recreational and rehabilitation centers.
  5. Family workshops and family counselling on drug abuse.
  6. Participation of vulnerable groups (children and adolescents) in anti drug abuse movement. 
  7. Make good harmony and peace in families. 
  8. Provision of strict punishment and fine against illicit drug distributors and producers.

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