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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases ( COPD), Causes Of COPD, Prevention And Control Measures For COPD

 COPD is a lung disease, which persists for long and cannot be treated completely. It creates problems and difficulties in breathing. Lung airflow is obstructed that interferes with normal breathing process. COPD has been a great problem in pooor and developing countries. About 90 percent of total death due to COPD occurs in low and middle income countries. There are more than 80 milions of people with this disease in the world. It is also a leading cause of death particularly in polluted and industrial areas.  This disease can be controlled with awareness,being far from smoking, control of air pollution. It can be treated with available medications too.

Causes of COPD

The primary cause of COPD is dust inhalation and intake of tobacco smoke (including passive smokers) . Main causes include air pollution (indoor and outdoor) dusts produced from the industries, use of coal and wood for fuel, frequent respiratory infections during childhood, and respiratory organs infirmities.

Prevention and control measures of COPD 

  1. Avoid smoking
  2. Make the residential areas clean and dust free.
  3. Adopt appropriate preventive measures to be safe from occupational dusts.
  4. Respiratory diseases should be treated properly in time.

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