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Heart Attack And Stroke Symptoms And Preventive measures

 Heart attack (Myocardial Infarction,MI)

It is one of the major fetal diseases in the world. The earlier symptoms of heart attack include shortness of breath and pain in the chest. The patient may die suddenly due to heart attack. Excessive use of fatty foods and food containing cholesterol causes arteriostenosis or narrowing of the arteries. The blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart muscle is very thin and small ostacle like a blood clot may block the supply of blood completely or partially;as a result ,some portion of heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. Then the heart muscle loooses the strength to pump blood out into the arteries. Ultimately the portion of heart muscle starts dying too. This condition is known as the heart attack . Most of the patients of heart attack experience some symptoms.  Some may not have any symptoms and they die suddenly of cardiac arrest or sudden stoppage of heartbeat.

Symptoms of heart attack 

  1. Persistent chest discomfort.
  2. Frequent burning pain in the chest.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Abnormal breathing.
  5. Palpitation (feeling of heartbeat over the ribs).
  6. Lightheadedness ,fatigueand fainting.
  7. Sudden death due to cardiac arrest.

Stroke(Cerebral attack or cerebral ischemia):

Stroke is the condition of sudden death of brain cells due to inadequate blood supply. There is disruption of blood vessels followed by blockage of blood supply towards the brain. Though it is associated with brain ,it is studied as one of the heart diseases because it is associated with cardiovascular system of human body . This may results from either the blockage or rapture of a blood vessel. When there is no blood supply towards the brain ,the casualty may die due to sudden interruption of blood supply in the brain. Depending on the area of brain damage,stroke may have following symptoms. 

Symptoms of stroke

  1. Paralysis or inability of movement of any part of body.
  2. Speech impairment.
  3. Loss of memory or reasoning ability
  4. Loss of partial body function : vision los,sense loss,hearing power loss ,etc.
  5. If not diagnosed treated in time the victim may go in coma or death. 

Preventive measures for heart attack and stroke

Get education and awareness 
  1. regarding heart diseases.
  2. Adopt healthy food habits. Avoid intake of tobacco,alcohol,drugs. Avoids oily spicy ,and fatty foods.
  3. Avoid intake of sugar and excessive carbohydrates.
  4. Increase intake of healthier food items. Always be careful in balanced diet. 
  5. Increase intake of vegetables,fibrous foods , and fruits.
  6. Obesity increases workload to the heart . Excessive fatness can be reduced by doing regular physical exercise ,yoga , and good food habit.
  7. Reduce the mental tension,anxiety and depression.
  8. Maintain the physical,mental and social health as well.
  9. Routine check up of blood pressure can predict the probablity of heart attack and stroke.

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