South asia is mainly defined as southern part of asia,which includes the SAARC countries ie Afganistan,Bangladesh,Bhutan,India,Maldives,Nepal ,Pakistan and Sri Lanka .
Unemployment is the state of being deprived from income generating work,yet looking for job. The specified age group which are searching for job are not getting is condition of unemployment . Before pandemic of covid 19, it was among the major problem of the world especially for developing countries like south Asian countries hence after pandemic started, it became a nightmare for these countries .
Despite India being a fastest economic growing country ,It have high rate of unemployment . so none of the S.A. country is away from this problem.
So,almost all the south asian countries are either developing or under developed.
hence unemployment and poverty goes side
by side that's why the poverty rate has also increased,hence the purchasing power of the people also decresed hence the production of the company ,therefore many people lost their job and tourism and tourism related sectors as well as education sectors are already in collapsing stage hence despite government will and support many of private sectors are not in state to pay it's employees . If we look at the data of unemployment rate. It was highest in south asia ie , 5.4% than entire asia ie,4.4 in 2019.
Despite the region's rapid economic growth 18.8% people were still living in poverty. In addition the report suggests that unemployment is expected to increases by around 2.5 millions in 2020.
24%of world's population living in south asia so it can be global problem, if immediate relief program is not provided . Hence in this difficult times the public , private and cooperative sectors as well as international organisations must have to colabourate to improve the condition of south asia And to flourish their lifes for better future.
Thank you