All the factors (living or non living ) that actually affect an individual organism or population at any point of life cycle is environment .
And an attempt to control human impact on and interaction with the environment in order to preserve natural resources is called environment management .
When there is no favourable relationship between man and nature , the environment deteriorates and a bad situation is created .
Environment Management
There is direct relationship between living beings , hills , mountains , minerals , rivers etc in the environment and for living beings favourable environment must needed to survive .
To be environment there must need harmonious relationship between biotic and abiotic things in the environment .
By increase and decrease of any components in the environment can cause adverse condition . In the present condition population of humans increasing rapidly and others are decreasing that's why impcts are being seen .
So if the issue is not taken seriously then it would cause the hazardous consequences .
For the management of environment modern environment management formula like POSTCARD , ' Plan , do , check ,' SWOT analysis , ca be use .
• Important aspects of environment management
- To conserve bio diversity ,
- To create pollution free healthy environment ,
- To protect the humans and animals from pollution ,
- To evaluate public, private and other stakeholders ,
- To evaluate environmental impact of development ,
- To increase awareness about environment,
- To provide research priority on environment , and
- To make policy regarding environment conservation .
• Areas of environment management
- To respect and conserve nature ,
- To improve human life by sustainable social structure development ,
- Conserve the bio diversity ,
- Participate in population control,
- Conserve the cultural heritage ,
- everything is done under the carrying capacity of earth ,
-prohobit the production and use of destructive things .
• Importance of environment management
- To protect the ecosystem ,
- To preserve the bio diversity ,
- To decrease the natural disasters like soil erosion , landslide , deforestation , flood ,
- To preserve the nature ,
-To control the population , etc
Bio diversity
• Roles of public , private and community sectors in environment management
* Public (sector ) roles
- To make laws , policy , act , and rules and implement it properly ,
- Focus on environment impact assessment ( EIA) during development of infrastructure ,
- Do the developmental activities considering people's need ,
- Mediator between private and community sectors ,
- Represent the country in international arena like COP , WWF ,
- makePlantation and sanitation as national plan ,
- Implement pollution control method .
* Roles of private sectors
- Be the stakeholders of government in environment management ,
-active participation in sanitation programme ,
- Throw the garbage in specified area only , - Include the environment managementin corporate social responsibility ,
- manage the industry in order to decrease pollution , and
- use alternative source of energy like solar enegy , gobar gas , hydroelectricity instead of coal , wood , petrol , diesel
* Roles of community sectors
- Implement plantatioin program ,
- Organise awareness program regarding control of deforestation and importance of bio diversity ,
- manage the garbage from the home , and
- organise environmental education and awareness program .
Environment is our common house hence conserve it for the betterment of world .