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Meditation For Mental Health And Happy Life

 In this 21st century,people of the the world are living in a very competitive and busy environment.

 They are struggling very hard even to get small things and if someone is from lower or lower middle as well as from middle class family background then they have to go through more hardship to get even smaller things. In competitive and busy world  o one will help you or support you except your parents and family and if you are not from well linked or connected family  then you have to do all things alone so,people gets very much frustrated irritated, stressed, and depressed in their life. 

Hence in order to charge you up and energies youself . You must need some extra motivation and energy so that you can enjoy your and and be motivated to step ahead to get your goal. 

For this purpose exercises, yoga and meditation will helps you a lot and specially meditation because it makes you mentally sound and physically fit. 

Meditation is a kind of practice where people uses methods like mindfulness or focusing on something such as object . In order to make your brain or mind healthy, calm and sound. 

Meditation can reduce stress,depression, anxiety and sorrow and it enhance self confidence and  calmness. Hence meditation is very helpful for mental health.  

Some basic types of meditation for beginners are as follows :

1. Breathing meditation

2.mindfulness meditation

3.focus meditation

4.movement meditation 

5.mantra meditation

1. Breathing meditation 

Breathing meditation is very helpful for brain and it also helps to increase memory power as well as it reduces stress. It has several conginitive benefits.


1. Breathe in through nose for 5 second

2.hold your breath for 8 seconds

3.exhale calmly through your mouth pursing the lips for 8 seconds can repeat this process for 6 times

2.Mindfulness  meditation

This meditation is done by focusing on your thoughts without analysing them or you can just focus on your breathing pattern. How you inhale air and exhale it out . focus on breathing process.

This type of meditation is3  very much useful and especially for beginners.  It helps for better concentration and also increase memory power. 

3. Focus meditation

This type of meditation generally done by focusing on something by using our five senses like you can focus on certain point of paintings or objects.

It is very much useful for the people having acute stress and anxiety. 

4.movement meditation

Movement meditation can be the combination of both yoga and meditation. 
You can walk through a slim short wall or on track focusing on track line

5.Mantra meditation

Generally mantra meditation done by the Hindu and Buddhist monk in which they chant mantra and focusing on word . It gives eternal energy and healing power.
It have great healing power through which your life will fill with happiness.

Hence to keep yourself mentally sound and physically fit for  the competitive world you need to do meditation .
It enhances your  disciplinary habits as well as makes  you mature and sensible .
It also train your mind in way that you will be calm during any adverse situation. So,it helps you to be perfect for the thing you want to be and it also makes you happy and energetic  .  

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