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Round Worm (Ascaris Lumbricoids),Ascariacis And Its Symptoms

 Round worms are a type of parasitic invertebrates. Round worms are mostly internal parasite of different mammals like human being. As its name , its body is round or cylindrical and long. Body length of an adult may range from 10 to 30 cm. It is infectious and lives in the intestine and sucks body fluids from its wall. It has remarkably high reproductive power. A female round worm can produce more than TWO LAKHS eggs in a single day. The eggs so small that you cannot see them with our naked eyes easily. If there is open defecation by an infected individual or any other means of spreading eggs of the worm, the eggs can contaminate soil , vegetables, fruits and water resources due to such contamination, there is high chance of entry of the eggs in our stomatch with food or water. The egggs ate hatched inside his alimentary canal due to favourable temperature and environment within the canal. They grow rapidly and reproduce abundantly.  They suck blood and body fluids from the internal wall of intestine.  Such activity makes the host person affected badly. Its transmission through the feco-oral route ie the route joining feces to mouth can be controlled by simply by adopting proper health-habits like washing hands properly before food intake and washing vegetables properly with clean water before use.

Symptoms Of Ascaris

  • The children seem tired and physical performance is declined. 
  • The children feel sensation of vomiting or nausea and abdominal pain, especially in the morning.
  • Sour watery fluid is expelled out from esophagus in the morning.
  • Indigestion and low appetite resulting altimately in malnutrition. 
  • Retarded growth and development of body.
  • Distinctly visible worms in the stool. The worms may come out with vomit in the severe stage.
  • Sometimes,the worms cross the intestinal wall and spread in the other parts of body too. Presence of worms in the brain may result in brain impairment and even death.

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